PhD Program Cell Migration Retreat 2022

This year the Summer Cytomeet and the Cell Migration retreat took place in Bellinzona in the beautiful novel Institute of Biological Research (IRB). 21 students of the PhD program Cell Migration and their supervisors in addition to 3 invited Keynote speakers – Johanna Ivaska from Finland, Heidi Welch from the UK and Jaap van Buul from The Netherlands, spent 3 days together discussing different aspects of cell migration.

The prize of the traditional quiz was this year shared between Burak Kizil (group Scheiermann) and Leonard Schink (group Legler) after even 4 keyquestions did not reach a decision. The prize for the best science flash was received by Serena Melgrati (group Thelen) and the prize for the best presentation was received by Javier Parieja  (group Engelhardt). The prizes were handed over by Prof. Marcus Thelen. Congratulations to all prize awardees!