Monday, 8th September 2025
8:30 – Registration
9:00-12:00 Educational Satellite
Session Chair: Irina Borovko and Rodrigo Alarcão
Opening words - Britta Engelhardt
9:00-9:40 Stefan Liebner (University of Frankfurt, Germany): Blood brain barrier
9:40-10:20 Roosmarjin Vandenbroucke (Ghent University, Belgium): Choroid plexus and blood cerebrospinal fluid barrier
10:20-10:40 Coffee break
Session Chair: Linh Tran and Sarmad Peymaei
10:40-11:20 Christer Betsholtz (Uppsala University, Sweden): Meninges and meningeal barriers
11:20-12:00 Lydia Sorokin (Münster, Germany): Glia limitans
12:00-14:00 Registration and Lunch
27th European Brain Barriers Meeting 2025
14:00-14:05 Opening words – Britta Engelhardt
14:05-15:55 Session 1: Role of brain barriers in CNS immunity
Session chair: Britta Engelhardt
14:05-14:35 Invited Speaker 1: Elga de Vries (Amsterdam University Medical Center, Netherlands)
14:35-14:55 Short talk 1.1
14:55-15:15 Short talk 1.2
15:15-15:35 Short talk 1.3
15:35-15:55 Short talk 1.4
15:55-16:25 Coffee break
16:25-18:15 Session 2: Fluid exchange across brain barriers
Session chair: Steven Proulx
16:25-16:55 Invited Speaker 2: Nanna MacAulay (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
16:55-17:15 Short talk 2.1
17:15-17:35 Short talk 2.2
17:35-17:55 Short talk 2.3
17:55-18:15 Short talk 2.4
18:15-19:15 Keynote lecture 1:
Matthew Campbell (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland): “Translational BBB research: From bench to bedside and back again”
19:15 Welcome Reception
Tuesday, 9th September 2025
9:00-12:00: Session 3: Advancing in vitro brain barrier models
Session chair: Chiara Stüdle
9:00-9:30 Invited Speaker 3: Maxime Culot (University of Artois, France)
9:30-9:50 Short talk 3.1
9:50-10.10 Short talk 3.2
10.10-10:30 Short talk 3.3
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:0-11:20 Short talk 3.4
11:20-11:40 Short talk 3.5
11:40-12:00 Short talk 3.6
12:00-13:00 Keynote Lecture 2:
Irena Loryan (Uppsala University, Sweden): “Measuring the invisible: navigating the complexities and controversies of CNS/PNS exposure assessment“
13:00-13:45 Lunch
13:45-15:15 Poster Session 1 (odd numbers presenting)
15:15 - 17:35 Session 4: New concepts in brain barrier biology
Session chair: Lara Ogunsshola
15:15-15:45 Invited speaker 4: Benoît Vanhollebeke (University of Brussels, Belgium)
15:45-16:05 Short talk 4.1
16:05-16:35 Coffee break
16:35-16:55 Short talk 4.2
16:55-17:15 Short talk 4.3
17:15-17:35 Short talk 4.4
17:35-19:00 Poster Session 2 (even numbers presenting)
19:30 Dinner at Restaurant Schwellenmätteli (20 minutes by public transport from UPU)
Wednesday, 10th September 2025
9:00-10:30 Session 5: Overcoming brain barriers for CNS drug delivery
Session chair: tba
9:00-9:30 Invited Speaker 5: Roberto Villasenor (Roche Basel, Switzerland)
9:30-9:50 Short talk 5.1
9:50-10.10 Short talk 5.2
10.10-10:30 Short talk 5.3
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:50 Session 6: Role of brain barriers in CNS diseases
Session chair: Gaby Enzmann
11:00-11:30 Invited Speaker 6: Gerd Meyer zu Hörste (University of Münster, Germany)
11:30-11:50 Short talk 6.1
11:50-12:10 Short talk 6.2
12:10-12:30 Short talk 6.3
12:30-12:50 Short talk 6.4
12:50-13:05 Announcement best poster and best oral presentation awards
13:05 Lunchbox to go